@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000961, author = {武井, 孝行 and Takei, Takayuki and 柳原, 正宗 and 上杉, 加奈子 and Uesugi, Kanako and Shiomori, Koichiro and 塩盛, 弘一郎 and Shiomori, Kouichiro and 清山, 史朗 and Kiyoyama, Shiro and 吉田, 昌弘 and Yoshida, Masahiro and Yanagihara, Masamune and 上杉, 加奈子 and Uesugi, Kanako}, issue = {3}, journal = {化学工学論文集}, month = {May}, note = {This study aimed to develop sustained-release microspheres that can be dispersed on agricultural land using conventional sprayers and thus reduce labor required for pesticide application. Acetamiprid-loaded microspheres of less than 100 µm in diameter were first prepared through suspension polymerization of pentaerythritol tetraacrylate (PETEA), but were found to release more than 90% of the loaded pesticide within 3 h in water. However, addition of hydrophobic polystyrene to the microspheres decreased the release rate without increasing the microsphere diameter. These results demonstrate that the acetamiprid-loaded polyPETEA/polystyrene microspheres are promising for further reduction of labor due to the controlled release of acetamiprid.}, pages = {219--223}, title = {アセタミプリド徐放性ミクロスフィアの調製}, volume = {39}, year = {2013}, yomi = {タケイ, タカユキ and ヤナギハラ, マサムネ and ウエスギ, カナコ and シオモリ, コウイチロウ and キヨヤマ, シロウ and ヨシダ, マサヒロ and ウエスギ, カナコ} }