@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000817, author = {七條, 宏樹 and Shichijyo, Hiroki and Shichijo, Hiroki and 近藤, 祐志 and Kondo, Yuji and 坂本, 信介 and Sakamoto, Shinsuke H and 樫村, 敦 and Kashimura, Atsushi and 高橋, 俊浩 and Takahashi, Toshihiro and 森田, 哲夫 and Morita, Tetsuo and 七條, 宏樹 and Shichijyo, Hiroki and Shichijo, Hiroki and Kondo, Yuji and 樫村, 敦 and Kashimura, Atsushi}, issue = {2}, journal = {環動昆, Japanese journal of environmental entomology and zoology}, month = {Aug}, note = {Many small cecal fermenters are well known to select and reingest the feces with high nutritional values that are produced in the cecum to enhance overall nutritional efficiency. In the previous study, using the rat-like hamster Tscherskia triton De Winton – a pregastic and cecal fermenter – we demonstrated that the nutritional benefit by the coprophagy cold not be obtained in the absence of a cecum, indicating the strong relationship between coprophagy and cecal function, as in other animals showing cecal fermentation. However, it has not been determined whether the loss of nutritional benefit might be caused by reduced coprophagy in addition to the decreased nutritive value of the reingested feces. In this study, we observed behavior continuously for 48 h in the hamsters, which had been subjected to cecal resection or a sham operation. Coprophagy was found to occur mainly during periods of light sham-operated control hamsters reingested their feces frequently. The finding suggests that the loss of coprophagy following cecal resection might contribute to the decline in the nutritional benefit of coprophagy.}, pages = {51--57}, title = {盲腸切除がトリトンハムスターの食糞行動に及ぼす影響}, volume = {24}, year = {2013}, yomi = {シチジョウ, ヒロキ and コンドウ, ユウジ and サカモト, シンスケ and カシムラ, アツシ and タカハシ, トシヒロ and モリタ, テツオ and シチジョウ, ヒロキ and カシムラ, アツシ} }