@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000731, author = {Honsho, Chitose and Somsri, Songpol and Tetsumura, Takuya and Yamashita, Kensuke and Yapwattanaphun, Chinawat and Yonemori, Keizo}, issue = {2}, journal = {Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, Engei Gakkai zasshi}, month = {Apr}, note = {We characterized the pollen germination and longevity in durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) under in vitro conditions and observed the morphological changes during anther dehiscence. Approximately 10 anthers aggregate on a filament; these merge with others at the base to form five phalanges in the flower. Anther dehiscence occurred at 19:00, at the same time as floral anthesis. Observation with a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope revealed pollen grains clinging to the anther even after the anther had dehisced. In vitro pollen germination was highest at a sucrose concentration of 10%. In the test of pollen germination on Brewbaker and Kwack (BK) medium, the germination rate was highest (59.1%). The germination rate was decreased (5.0% to 46.0%) when any of the minerals of B, Ca, Mg, and K was removed. The pollen germination rate at anthesis was 40.4 to 50.6% in four cultivars ('Mon Thong', 'Chanee', 'Kradum Thong', and 'Phaung Manee'), and the rate was maintained at more than 40% until 24h after anthesis and then decreased gradually. When pollen was stored under desiccating conditions with silica gel, pollen following 120-h storage could germinate after rehydration. Rehydration for 12h achieved the best results, with 47.0% germination occurring after this rehydration period.}, pages = {120--124}, title = {Characterization of Male Reproductive Organs in Durian : Anther Dehiscence and Pollen Longevity}, volume = {76}, year = {2007} }