@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000727, author = {村上, 隆之 and Murakami, Takayuki and 萩尾, 光美 and Hagio, Mitsuyoshi and 浜名, 克己 and Hamana, Katsumi and 中井, 雅晶 and Nakai, Masaaki and 中井, 雅晶 and Nakai, Masaaki}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {Mar}, note = {牛の心大血管奇形375例中20例(5.3%)に総肺静脈還流異常が認められた.剖検時の年齢は死産例を除き129日齢以下で,2カ月以上生存例は4例のみであった。全肺静脈は左心房と結合せず,両心房上で1本の共通肺静脈に合流していた.共通肺静脈は左奇静脈(11例),右奇静脈(6例),あるいは冠状静脈洞(1例)に流入し,2例では異常流入部は不明であった.20例中13例は他の心大血管奇形の存在しない孤立型の総肺静脈還流異常で,左心房への短絡路は開存卵円孔であり,多くは右心房および右心室の拡張・肥厚を示した。他の心大血管奇形の合併があった7例の心臓形態は多様であった., Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) was observed in 20 (5.3%) of 375 bovine hearts showing congenital cardiovascular anomalies. The ages at necropsy were 129 days or less, and only 4 cases survived over 2 months. The Pulmonary veins joined to form a common pulmonary vein above the atria and none of them were connected to the left atrium. The common pulmonary vein was connected to the left azygos vein, right azygos vein and coronary sinus in 11, 6 and 1 cases, respectively, while the site of anomalous connection of the common pulmonary vein was unknown in the remaining 2 cases. Thirteen cases were of isolated TAPVC without other cardiovascular anomaly with the patent foramen ovale as shunting channel for the left atrium, and many of them had enlarged and hypertrophic the right atrium and ventricle. Seven cases with associated cardiovascular anomalies showed various anatomic features in the heart.}, pages = {183--186}, title = {牛の総肺静脈還流異常20例の解剖学的所見}, volume = {48}, year = {1995}, yomi = {ムラカミ, タカユキ and ハギオ, ミツヨシ and ハマナ, カツミ and ナカイ, マサアキ and ナカイ, マサアキ} }