@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006692.2, author = {小松, 弘幸 and Komatsu, Hiroyuki and 石川, 和信 and Ishikawa, Kazunobu and 首藤, 太一 and Shuto, Taichi and 阿部, 恵子 and Abe, Keiko and 藤崎, 和彦 and Fujisaki, Kazsuhiko and 吉田, 素文 and Yoshida, Motofumi and 大槻, 眞嗣 and Ohtsuki, Masatsugu and 泉, 美貴 and Izumi, Miki and 鈴木, 敬一郎 and Suzuki, Keiichiro and 石川, 鎮清 and Ishikawa, Shizukiyo and 廣橋, 一裕 and Hirohashi, Kazuhiro}, issue = {4}, journal = {医学教育}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, 臨床実習を終了した国内9医学部の6年生903名を対象として, 臨床能力に関する自己評価と教育方略を調査した. 医学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムに準じた27項目のうち約4割が病院実習とシミュレーションの両方, もしくは, シミュレーションのみで学習されていた. また, いずれの方略でも, 学習経験のない項目が少なくないことが判明した. シミュレーション教育の高利用大学4校が低利用大学5校よりも, 多くの学習領域で有意に医学生の臨床能力自己評価が高かった., This study examined the ability of medical students to self-assess basic clinical competence and learning strategies including simulation-based medical education for sixth-year medical students (n=903) at nine universities in Japan. About 40% of 27 procedures to achieve clinical skills in a model curriculum were taught using simulators with or without clinical training in hospitals. We noted that significant numbers of procedures were not practiced through any learning strategies. Higher self-assessment scores were observed among students in 4 schools who had more frequent learning opportunities through simulation-based education than among those with less frequent opportunities in 5 schools.}, pages = {271--279}, title = {医学生の臨床実習後の臨床能力自己評価と学習方略に関する9大学合同調査}, volume = {47}, year = {2016}, yomi = {コマツ, ヒロユキ and イシカワ, カズノブ and シュトウ, タイチ and アベ, ケイコ and フジサキ, カズヒコ and ヨシダ, モトフミ and オオツキ, マサツグ and イズミ, ミキ and スズキ, ケイイチロウ and イシカワ, シズキヨ and ヒロハシ, カズヒロ} }