@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006691.1, author = {石川, 和信 and Ishikawa, Kazunobu and 小林, 元 and Kobayashi, Gen and 菅原, 亜紀子 and Sugawara, Akiko and 諸井, 陽子 and Moroi, Yoko and 小松, 弘幸 and Komatsu, Hiroyuki and 廣橋, 一裕 and Hirohashi, Kazuhiro and 首藤, 太一 and Shuto, Taichi}, issue = {5}, journal = {医学教育}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 日本におけるシミュレーション医学教育の現状を2016年に全国アンケートにより調査し, 先行調査と比較した. スキルスラボは新たに2大学に開設され, 76校中74校 (97%) に設置されていた. 平均施設面積は, 214 m2から, 339 m2に拡大し, 医学生の年間利用数は, 1,402人から1,978人に増加していた. しかしながら, 共用試験OSCE後の臨床実習でのスキルスラボの活用は4診療科, 模擬患者参加型教育の実施は29校 (38%) に留まった. 臨床実習前教育としてタスクトレーニングの活用が増えているが, 多様な状況への対応を学ぶシナリオ学習やチーム学習の拡充が必要と推察される. 管理運営面では, 専任スタッフの確保, 安定的任用, 施設維持の財務上の問題点が報告された., Recent changes in patient safety policy have led to the increasing significance of simulation-based medical education. However, among Japanese medical schools, we have confirmed considerable differences in simulation-based, clinical clerkship learning environments that may affect different learning opportunities for trainings with simulators or simulated patients. We conducted nationwide surveys on the prevalence and application of clinical skills laboratories for clerkships in 2012 and 2016. Registered questionnaires were sent to all medical schools (n=80). The response rate was 95%. Seventy-four schools (97%) have installed a skills laboratory. Floor space for the laboratory varied from 214 m2 in 2012 to 339 m2 in 2016. The mean number of annual uses by medical students increased from 1,402 to 1,978, Although there were favorable changes, such as more spacious learning areas and an increase in annual uses by medical students, there were significant disparities in the implementation of simulation-based learning among schools. For example, only 29 schools (38%) implemented training programs with simulated patients. Further effort to spread learning with simulated patients seems necessary.}, pages = {305--310}, title = {シミュレーション医学教育に関する全国アンケート調査2016}, volume = {48}, year = {2017}, yomi = {イシカワ, カズノブ and コバヤシ, ゲン and スガワラ, アキコ and モロイ, ヨウコ and コマツ, ヒロユキ and ヒロハシ, カズヒロ and シュトウ, タイチ} }