@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006399.5, author = {土手, 裕 and Dote, Yutaka and 竹本, 昌弘 and 関戸, 知雄 and Sekito, Tomoo and Takemoto, Masahiro}, journal = {宮崎大学工学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki}, month = {Sep}, note = {In order to clarify the relation between cement solidified waste preparing condition and leaching model parameters of easily soluble substances in cement solidified waste, four samples with different addition ratio of cement to fly ash were prepared in cylindrical form by shielding all their surface except top. Tank leaching test was conducted at L/S of 3.3. As the ratio of cement to fly ash increased, porosity of the sample increased from 32% to 46%. As porosity increased, effective diffusion coefficient, De, of Na, K and Cl increased. Furthermore, De/D0 (D0, molecular diffusion coefficient through water) of Na and K had the similar value, but De/D0 of Cl was smaller than these. Porosity of the sample had little effect on a rate constant of surface dissolution, k, and ratio of volume affecting surface dissolution, γ. A region of diffusion control decided from change of De with time and from incline of logti vs logJi didn’t accord with. This result suggested that it was difficult to decide an region of diffusion control by only incline of logti vs logJi.}, pages = {23--31}, title = {セメント固化体からの易溶解性物質溶出モデルパラメータへの固化体作成条件の影響}, volume = {50}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ドテ, ユタカ and タケモト, マサヒロ and セキト, トモオ} }