@misc{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006116.1, author = {中山, 建男 and Nakayama, Tatsuo}, month = {2020-06-22, 2021-02-16, 2022-09-06, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22, 2020-06-22}, note = {application/pdf}, title = {Memoirs of a life scientist: Interpretations and opinions on life phenomena, and experiences and contributions in life science field ~ The chromatin conformation change code (4C) theory and previous researches ~}, year = {}, yomi = {ナカヤマ, タツオ} }