@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005892, author = {富田, 旋 and Tomita, Meguru and 高塚, 佳代子 and Takatuka, Kayoko and Yamaba, Hisaaki and 山場, 久昭 and Aburada, Kentaro and 油田, 健太郎 and Okazaki, Naonobu and 岡崎, 直宣 and 富田, 旋 and Tomita, Meguru}, journal = {宮崎大学工学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki}, month = {Jul}, note = {We propose methods related to schedule management even in project management. In schedule management of large-scale and complicated projects, due to irregular delays, rescheduling problems such as "when", "what kind of work", "how long" should be shortened frequently occur. In response to this problem, the existing method focused only on the work on the critical path (the longest work path), and solved by shortening arbitrary work on that path. However, regarding the question "Which work on the critical path should be abbreviated", the current state of the existing method has relied on the experiences and intuition of experts. Therefore, in this proposed method, focusing on all tasks including work on critical path, we propose an index that can evaluate the point that "Which task is shortened more effectively to shorten the overall construction period?" This index can be quantified by utilizing "Float" which can be afforded on the project schedule which has not been utilized in existing methods. In this paper, we call this index "Delay Risk Tolerance" and "the possibility that when the arbitrary work item gives an unexpected delay, the overall required time of the project does not exceed the contract due date"}, pages = {195--212}, title = {プロジェクト・スケジュールの遅延リスク耐性評価方法の提案}, volume = {48}, year = {2019}, yomi = {トミタ, メグル and タカツカ, カヨコ and ヤマバ, ヒサアキ and アブラダ, ケンタロウ and オカザキ, ナオノブ and トミタ, メグル} }