@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000586, author = {橋之口, 哲 and 牛之浜, 寛治 and 川崎, 安亮 and 村上, 隆之 and Murakami, Takayuki and 上村, 俊一 and Kamimura, Shunichi and 浜名, 克己 and Hamana, Katsumi and Hashinokuchi, Tetsu and Ushinohama, Kanji and Kawasaki, Yasuaki and 上村, 俊一 and Kamimura, Shunichi}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {Feb}, note = {A 4 day-old Holstein female calf was suspected to have cardiac anomaly by ausculation of cardiac murmur. Cardiac and biatrial ventricular enlargements were detected by X-ray and electrocardiogram, respectiveley, and holosystolic murmur over the both side thoraces was recorded by phonocardiogram, strongly suspecting the presence of the ventricular septal defect. Echocardiogram clearly showed ventricular septel defect, right ventricular enlargement with hypertrophic wall and over-riding of the aorta. Necropsy confirmed tetralogy of Fallot complicated with pulmonary stenosis and single coronary artery., 心雑音が聴取され,心奇形を疑ったホルスタイン種子牛(雌,4日齢)に赤血球大小不同症,X線検査で著明な心拡大が認められ,心電図により心房と心室の拡張が示唆され,左右両側からの全収縮期雑音が心音図で記録されて,心室中隔欠損が強く疑われた.心エコー検査では心室中隔欠損が明瞭に認められ,右心室の拡張と右心室壁の肥厚,大動脈の騎乗が認められた.病理解剖学的には,心室中隔欠損部(径13mm)を認め,大動脈は約40%が右心室に,約60%が左心室に開口していた.また,肺動脈狭窄および右心室肥大が認められ,単一冠状動脈を伴うファロー四徴と診断された.}, pages = {95--98}, title = {牛のファロー四徴症の1例}, volume = {52}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ハシノクチ, テツ and ウシノハマ, カンジ and カワサキ, ヤスアキ and ムラカミ, タカユキ and カミムラ, シュンイチ and ハマナ, カツミ and カミムラ, シュンイチ} }