@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005827, author = {服鳥, 秀幸 and Sakai, Motohiro and 境, 泉洋 and Hattori, Hideyuki}, journal = {宮崎大学教育学部紀要, Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Miyazaki University.}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,抑うつ傾向の高い者に対してポジティブに歪んだ認知を生じさせる手法の開発に向けて,「行動生起-結果生起」事象( 随伴的成功) の回数を増やすことが随伴性認知にどのような変容を示すのかを検討した。 大学生366 名の中から,高抑うつ群5 名,中抑うつ群7 名,低抑うつ群12 名の計24 名を抽出して分析対象とした。実験は1 週間に1 回のノイズ停止課題を3 週間に渡って実施し,時期によって随伴的成功回数に差を設けたABA デザインを用いて検討を行った。本研究の結果から抑うつに関わらず,随伴的成功回数が増加すれば随伴性認知はポジティブに変容することが示された。, The purpose of this study was to investigate change in perceived contingency depending on the number of times efforts were rewarded in addition to how positive cognition is increased. The participants were divided into three groups (high-level depression, middle-level depression, low-level depression) on the basis of their average scores ( ± 1/2 SD) on the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). This study applied a single-subject experimental design (ABA design) with a duration of 3 weeks which consisting of 2 baselines (1st week and 3rd week) and an intervention (2nd week). Participants performed a task in which they stopped a noise from a PC by pressing a key or not pressing a key in each experiment. They pressed or did not press a key by choice during the baseline weeks, and were made to press the key for more than 4 out of 5 times during the intervention. After finishing the task, participants rated the relationship between stopping the noise and pressing or not pressing the key. Data analysis revealed that the number of times rewarded efforts increased, perceived contingency changed positively. This result suggests a possibility of helping a depressed person gain confidence by experiencing rewarded efforts continually.}, pages = {19--30}, title = {行動が報われる体験が随伴性認知に与える影響}, volume = {92}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ハットリ, ヒデユキ and サカイ, モトヤス and サカイ, モトヒロ} }