@misc{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005711.1, author = {中山, 建男 and Nakayama, Tatsuo and 中山, 雅美 and Nakayama, Masami}, month = {2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21, 2020-06-21}, title = {All-inclusive review and history on the chromatin conformation change code (4C) theory: A bio-system for gaining un-programmed and new cell functions by means of irreversible creation of chromatin structure plasticity with epigenetic modifications through various generations}, year = {}, yomi = {ナカヤマ, タツオ and ナカヤマ, マサミ} }