@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005524, author = {Wang, Hongze and 王, 宏沢 and Harada, Takanori and 原田, 隆典 and 齊藤, 将司 and Saitoh, Shouji and Saitou, Shouji and 齊藤, 将司 and Saitoh, Shouji and Saitou, Shouji}, journal = {第12回 日本地震工学シンポジウム}, month = {}, note = {A method of estimating earthquake ground motion using microtremor horizontal to vertical(H/V) Fourier spectral ratio is presented. In this formulation, an earthquake ground motion is estimated from the ground motion recorded in the nearby observation site by using the correction factors which consist of the microtremor H/V spectral ratio of the both sites (the reference site and estimation site), the path and local site effect factor of waves β, and the site factor of vertical ground motions γ. By using the observed microtremor records and earthquake ground motions in the Miyazaki Prefecture, the presented method is examined. It is found from this examination that the path and local site effect factor of waves β and the site factor of vertical ground motions γ can be assumed approximately to be 1.0. Also the error of estimation of Fourier spectral amplitude of earthquake horizontal ground motion is discussed.}, pages = {434--437}, title = {K-net観測点の記録を利用した近傍の未観測点の強震動推定法}, year = {2006}, yomi = {オウ, コウタク and ハラダ, タカノリ and サイトウ, ショウジ and サイトウ, ショウジ} }