@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003769, author = {Tsuruta, Kurumi and 鶴田, 来美 and 藤井, 良宣 and Fujii, Yoshinori and 藤井, 良宜 and 長谷川, 珠代 and Hasegawa, Tamayo and 風間, 佳寿美 and Kazama, Kazumi and 長谷川, 珠代 and Hasegawa, Tamayo and 風間, 佳寿美 and Kazama, Kazumi}, issue = {1}, journal = {南九州看護研究誌, The South Kyusyu journal of nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this research was to evaluate the validity of the nursing career assessment scale by Ishii et al. as a scale to assess one's job career through one's various clinical experiences and continued education. We examined 123 nurses who participated in the statistical training for nursing research conducted by the Nursing Association of M Prefecture. There are four subscales which are important elements in evaluating one's job career. They are "implementation and pursuit of quality nursing", "formation of personal relations and adjustment", "development of self-capability", "accumulation of diverse experiences". We examined the validity of the subscales in two ways. The first was to examine whether there would be recognition differences in score dealing with the importance of such subscale items as the size of the hospital, years of nursing experience, nursing education, role, and position. The results showed that significant recognition differences were not found regarding the importance of the subscale items. The second was to examine the validity of the items of the subscales by using the known-groups technique. The results showed that there were significant differences in score according to experience, role, position etc. These results lead to the conclusion that the nursing career assessment scale is an effective scale, when we measure one's job career through various nursing experiences and continued education.}, pages = {29--36}, title = {看護師の職務キャリア尺度の有効性の検討}, volume = {5}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ツルタ, クルミ and フジイ, ヨシノリ and ハセガワ, タマヨ and カザマ, カズミ and ハセガワ, タマヨ and カザマ, カズミ} }