@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003756.1, author = {永瀬, つや子 and Nagase, Tsuyako and 村木, 敏明 and 小松, 美穂子 and 加納, 尚美 and Muraki, Toshiaki and Komatsu, Mihoko and kanou, Naomi}, issue = {1}, journal = {南九州看護研究誌, The South Kyusyu journal of nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to compare six-week postpartum daily physical activity (DPA), and fatigue and anxiety between six primiparae and ten multiparae. The data collection was carried out with a watch-typed accelerometer (Actigraph) about DPA. DPA was categorized into six groups ; sleep, baby care, chore, activities to herself such as toilet and bathing, activities to go outdoors, and others. Fatigue and anxiety were measured by means of interview using the reliable and valid test battery. The results showed that women slowly and gradually increased range of DPA in the period. However half of them first started activities to go outdoors in the two weeks after giving birth. Primiparae spent longer hours in activity of baby care than multiparae. Multiparae were more likely to have more DPA and fatigue significantly and longer hours in chore than primiparae due to their activities such as elder-child care. Both groups indicated significantly higher anxiety before giving birth. It suggests that primiparae need baby care advice in order to feel being supported and confident in baby care, while multiparae have need for help in taking care of elder child /children both before and after they have a newborn baby.}, pages = {33--42}, title = {産褥女性の日常生活身体活動量と不安・疲労の変化 : 初産婦と経産婦の比較}, volume = {3}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ナガセ, ツヤコ and ムラキ, トシアキ and コマツ, ミホコ and カノウ, ナオミ} }