@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000369, author = {牛草, 貴博 and Ushigusa, Takahiro and 内田, 和幸 and Uchida, Kazuyuki and 村上, 隆之 and Murakami, Takayuki and Yamaguchi, Ryoji and 山口, 良二 and 立山, 晉 and Tateyama, Susumu and 牛草, 貴博 and Ushigusa, Takahiro}, issue = {2}, journal = {The journal of veterinary medical science}, month = {Feb}, note = {Of 822 calves, ranging in age between one day and six months necropsied between 1996 and 1998 at Miyazaki University, histological examination showed that 25(3.0%)had ocular lesions.These ocular lesions consisted of suppurative inflammation (13 cases), cataract(seven cases), and retinal atrophy (five cases).Inflammatory changes were classified as suppurative keratitis(one case), keratitis and uveitis(ten cases), and uveitis and retinitis(two cases).Cataract was subclassified into three categories;cortical(three cases), nuclear(one case), and mature(three cases).These lesions were characterized by degenerative changes in the lens fibers and the appearance of eosinophilic globules known as Morganian globules.In the most severely affected case, there was capsular rupture of the lens, resulting in severe infiltration by eosinophils and histiocytes of the whole anterior chamber.Almost all the calves with retinal atrophy had been suffering from severe hydranencephaly and three had significantly raised levels of neutralization antibodies for the Akabane and / or Aino viruses.This study indicates that congenital arbovirus infections may predispose calves to ocular diseases, especially retinal atrophy., 1996年から1998年の間に剖検された2日齢から6ヶ月齢の子牛822例中25例(3.0%)において, 病理組織学的に眼球病変があった.病理組織学的には, これら25例の眼球病変は化膿性炎症疾患(13例), 白内障(7例)および網膜萎縮(5例)であった.炎症疾患は, 化膿性角膜炎(1例), 化膿性角膜・血管膜炎(10例), 化膿性血管膜・網膜炎(2例)に分類された.白内障は組織学的に皮質白内障(3例), 核白内障(1例), 成熟白内障(3例)に分類され, モルガン氏小体と呼ばれる好酸性小体の出現を伴う水晶体線維の腫大・空胞変性を特徴としていた.重篤例では, 変性した水晶体の破裂に伴い好酸球, 組織球浸潤が前眼房全域にあった.網膜萎縮を伴ったほとんどの症例が重度の水頭症に罹患しているとともに, 3例ではアカバネやアイノウイルスに対する高い中和抗体価を有していた.今回の検索結果は, 先天性アルボウイルス感染症が子牛の眼球異常, とくに網膜萎縮の基礎疾患として関与していることを示唆するものと思われた.}, pages = {147--152}, title = {A Pathologic Study on Ocular Disorders in Calves in Southern Kyushu, Japan}, volume = {62}, year = {2000}, yomi = {ウシグサ, タカヒロ and ウチダ, カズユキ and ムラカミ, タカユキ and ヤマグチ, リョウジ and タテヤマ, ススム and ウシグサ, タカヒロ} }