@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003352.1, author = {三浦, 知之 and MIURA, Tomoyuki and 大園, 隆仁 and 村川, 知嘉子 and 矢野, 香織 and 森, 和也 and 高木, 正博 and 髙木, 正博 and OHZONO, Takahito and MURAKAWA, Chikako and YANO, Kaori and MORI, Kazuya}, journal = {宮崎大学農学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Miyazaki}, month = {Mar}, note = {宮崎港の北に位置する阿波岐原公園には,9.6haの一ツ葉入り江があり,潟湖干潟が形成される.宮崎市内にあり,市民の立ち入りやすい公園内にあることなどから,極めて重要な意味をもった干潟であると考え,2001年から2004年まで,生物相の調査を行った.記録された貝類は,36種(腹足綱16種,掘足綱1種,二枚貝綱19種)であった.フトヘナタリ科巻貝のフトヘナタリCerithidea (Cerithidea) rhizophorarumは南奥部の潮間帯上部で密度が最大で104個体/m^2を,カワアイC.(Cerithideopsilla)djadjariensisが北部の砂泥地の潮間帯下部で32個体/m^2を,ヘナタリC.(Cerithideopsilla)cingulataが南奥部の潮間帯上部で8個体/m^2を記録した.また,日本本土では絶滅に近い状態にあるムシロガイ科のカニノテムシロPliarcularia bellulaが入り江の南端に普通に見られた.二枚貝類でも絶滅寸前と評価されているムラサキガイSoletellina adamusiiがごく普通に見られる.一ツ葉入り江から出現し記録された十脚甲殻類は,14科34種であり,カニ類だけでも6科26種に達した.飛来した湿地性鳥類は,8目12科39種であった.このような貴重な生物相と都市の中に位置する特徴から,一ッ葉入り江は多様性の保全と環境教育の啓蒙の視点で極めて重要な湿地であると結論された., A sandy tidal flat remained in the commercial port area of Miyazaki was investigated in the point of view of the faunal composition to discuss its future conservation. The tidal flat occurs within Hitotsuba Lagoon in Northern part of Miyazaki Port. The faunal composition of marine benthos and wetland birds was mainly observed for more than one year from November 2001 to December 2002. Some additional data were taken continuously to November 2004. Physical environmental condition of the lagoon, such as bottom topography, tidal movement, temperature, sediment grain size, and sediment organic components, was observed in February, May, August and November in 2003, namely once for each season. Three endangered tidal flat snails, such as Cerithidea (Cerithidea) rhizophorarum, C. (Cerithideopsilla) djadjariensis, and C. (Cerithideopsilla) cingulata, were very common and recorded the high density : 104 individuals/m^2, 32 individuals/m^2, 8 individuals/m^2, respectively. A nassariid gastropod considered as almost extinct in four Japanese main islands, Pliarcularia bellula, was also found in this lagoon. The most remarkable and important finding on mollusks is the recognition of a large population of an endangered tidal flat bivalve, Soletellina adamusii. This species has been known as an edible clam, but recently listed in rare and endangered one like as Meretrix lusoria. In the total of 36 living mollusk species including 16 gastropods, a single scaphopod and 19 bivalves were recorded.Three fiddler crab species, Uca arcuata, U. lactea and U. vocans, were collected from the lagoon. The first two species are rather common on muddy tidal flats in the eastern coast of Kyushu, even though both species are recognized as endangered estuary crabs. Uca vocans is common in mangrove forests of the Nansei Archipelago, however the only population in the four main Japanese islands was found in Hitotsuba Inlet. In total, 34 crustacean species including 26 brachiuran decapods were recorded. Supported by above mentioned rich benthic fauna of Hitotsuba Lagoon, 39 wetland bird species were observed to use the lagoon for feeding and nesting while 10 inland birds might just visit the tidal flat. Among wetland birds, five species are known as endangered birds : Black-faced spoonbill, Platalea minor, Saunder's gull, Larus saundersi, Far Easterncurlew, Numenius madagascariensis, Little tern, Sterna albifrons, and Osprey, Pandion haliaetus. From all these observation, even though the lagoon is rather small in size, we conclude that this lagoon should be conserved as an important wetland because the faunal component includes numerous en-dangered species.}, pages = {17--33}, title = {宮崎港一ツ葉入り江に出現する底生生物と鳥類}, volume = {51}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ミウラ, トモユキ and オオゾノ, タカヒト and ムラカワ, チカコ and ヤノ, カオリ and モリ, カズヤ and タカギ, マサヒロ} }