@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003309, author = {萩尾, 光美 and Hagio, Mitsuyoshi and 村上, 隆之 and Murakami, Takayuki and 立山, 晉 and Tateyama, Susumu and 大塚, 宏光 and Otsuka, Hiromitsu and 浜名, 克己 and 下別府, 功 and Hamana, Katusmi and Simobeppu, Isao}, issue = {2}, journal = {宮崎大学農学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University}, month = {Dec}, note = {1972年10月から1984年2月までに, 主として宮崎県内から搬入された先天異常子牛,肺炎や下痢などで淘汰された牛, および心疾患疑症牛の計1,081頭を検索し, うち92例に心奇形が認められた. 他に7例の奇形心が提供された. これら99頭の心奇形牛(冠状動脈, 左鎖骨下動脈の起始・走行の異常は含まず)について,発生状況とその要因を検討した. 1. 検索例における心奇形出現頻度は, 黒毛和種牛9.7% (52/535頭),ホルスタイン種牛7.0% (38/544頭)で,平均8.3%であった. また淘汰子牛の大部分を剖検した特定地域の1983年の心奇形数は13例で,これをこの地域の年間推定出生頭数で割ると,年出現頻度は0.13% (黒毛和種牛0.09%,ホルスタイン種牛0.27%)であった. 2. 性別にみると,黒毛和種牛では雄37頭,雌21頭,ホルスタイン種牛では雄14頭,雌25頭であった. 3. 発生の高い主な心奇形は,卵円孔開存19例,心室中隔欠損(大動脈騎乗含む)16例, 両大血管右室起始11例, ファロー四徴8例,大動脈異常(拡張,狭窄,弁閉鎖など) 7例などであった. 4. 心奇形の死亡・淘汰年齢分布は, 1ヵ月未満57.6%, 1~6ヵ月齢24.2%, 6ヵ月~1歳齢9.1%, 1歳以上9.1%であった. 心外奇形合併例は早期に死亡・淘汰された. 卵円孔開存が原因で死亡・淘汰された例はなかった. 心室中隔欠損では,年齢分布は広く,おおむね1年以上健康に生存した例がみられた. 5. 心奇形牛88頭中40頭(45%)に92の心外奇形がみられた. 一方, 正常心を有する先天異常牛469頭に616の奇形がみられた. 心外奇形例における心奇形の合併率は, 嚢胞腎71% (5/7頭),小眼球・無眼球48% (13/27頭),口蓋裂38% (6/16頭),無尾38% (3/8頭),顔貌異常26% (5/19頭),顎骨異常20% (5/25頭),鎖肛19% (5/27頭)などの順で高かった. 6. 染色体を検査した先天異常子牛57頭中4頭に常染色体トリソミーが認められた. うち1例は心室中隔欠損+大動脈騎乗で, 下顎短小, 口蓋裂, 小眼球, 関節彎曲,内水頭症を合併していた.他の3例も顎骨異常などを伴う複合奇形で,そのうち左鎖骨下動脈起始異常と冠状動脈走行異常が各1例みられた. 7. 血統の明らかな黒毛和種心奇形牛27頭の中で同一の父牛を持った牛は, 最も多い例で5頭であった. 調査可能であった56頭の母牛は, その分娩歴で異常子牛を分娩したものは4頭であった. 8. 初乳未摂取の心奇形子牛血清4例中1例は,アカバネウィルス中和抗体陽性所見を示した. この1例は心室中隔欠損で,関節彎曲,斜頸を合併していた., A total of 92 cattle with congenital heart defects were seen among 1081 cattle autopsied during the period from October, 1972 to February, 1984. These 1081 cattle collected from mainly within Miyazaki Prefecture consisted of calves with congenital defects, stillborn, sick or dead calves, and cattle with suspected cardiac diseases. In addition to the 92 affected cattle, 7 hearts showing cardiac defects were submitted for cardiac inspection. 1. The rates of detection of congenital cardiac anomalies in Japanese Black and Holstein-Friesian cattle were 9.7 % (52 out of 535 cattle) and 7.0 % (38 out of 544 cattle), respectively. The estimated incidence of congenital cardiac defects in 1983 in a given district, where specimens were obtained from as many of the slaughtered and dead calves as possible, was 0.13 % (Japanese Black 0.09 %, Holstein-Friesian 0. 27 %). 2. Of the 58 Japanese Black cattle with cardiac anomalies, 37 (64 %) were male and 21 (36 %) were female, whereas 14 (36 %) were male and 25 (64 %) were female among the 39 Holstein-Friesian cattle with cardiac anomalies. 3. The 4 most frequently-occurring cardiac anomalies, in order of frequency, were: 19 patent foramen ovale (including secundum atrial septal defect), 16 ventricular septal defect (including those with aortic overriding), 11 double outlet right ventricle, and 8 tetralogy of Fallot. 4. Of the 88 cattle with cardiac defects, 40 (45 %) were associated with a total of 90 extracardiac congenital defects, while the 469 cattle with normal hearts had a total of 616 extracardiac defects. The rates of association of extracardiac defects with cardiac defects were as follows: polycystic kidney 71 % (5 of 7 cases), anophthalmia-microphthalmia 48 % (13 of 27 cases), cleft palate 38 % (6 of 16 cases), taillessness 38 % (3 of 8 cases), brachygnathia 20 % (5 of 25 cases), and atresia ani 19 % (5 of 27 cases). 5. Five of the 27 Japanese Black calves with cardiac defects had the same sire. 6. Among the 57 cases with congenital defects studied for chromosome abnormalities, autosomal trisomy was found in 4 calves with brachygnathia. One of these calves had ventricular septal defect and aortic overriding associated with cleft palate, microphthalmia, arthrogryposis, and internal hydrocephalus. The other 3 cases consisted of one calf with minor coronary artery anomaly, one calf with minor left subclavian artery anomaly, and one calf without any apparent cardiac anomaly. 7. Precolostral serum samples from the 4 calves with cardiac defects were tested for Akabane virus neutralizing antibody, and one of them, the case of ventricular septal defect associated with arthrogryposis and torticollis, was positive for this test.}, pages = {233--249}, title = {牛の先天性心疾患99例の発生状況とその要因}, volume = {32}, year = {1985} }