@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003298, author = {芦沢, 広三 and Ashizawa, Hirozo and 村上, 隆之 and Murakami, Takayuki and 波部, 重久 and Habe, Shigehisa and Habe, Sigehisa and 野坂, 大 and Nosaka, Dai and 立山, 晉 and Tateyama, Susumu and 波部, 重久 and Habe, Shigehisa and Habe, Sigehisa}, issue = {2}, journal = {宮崎大学農学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University}, month = {Dec}, note = {(1) Among ten Japanese badgers (Meles meles anakuma) which were captured in Miyazaki Prefecture during the hunting seasons from 1974 to 1976, three were found to be infected by Paragonimus. The morphological studies were carried out on the flukes and eggs taken out from the pulmonary worm-cysts. And it was identified as the Paragonimus miyazakii Kamo, Nishida, Hatsushika et Tomimura, 1961. This is the second report next to the paper of Habe et al. who isolated Paragoniimus Miyazakii from Japanese badger for the first time. Considered from these findings together with our previous papers that describe the isolation of Paragonimus miyazakii from Japanese martens (Martes melampus melampus) in Miyazaki Prefecture, wild animals living in this district seem infected by Paragonimus miyazakii to a fairly high extent. (2) The gross observations on the lungs of the three infected Japanese badgers are summarized as follows: i) A first animal was lightly infected with one worm-cyst each in the left and right lung respectively; A second one was severely suffered from 15 worm-cysts (13 in the right and 2 in the left lung); A third badger was moderately infected by three worm-cysts in the right lung and associated with some nodular lesions (to be described later). ii) In the second animals, the right lung was severely damaged by Paragonimus in comparsion with the left lung, which seemed to indicate a remarkable unbalance of parasitic lesions. iii) Based on the characteristics of the worm-cysts and the histological findings of their surrounding tissues, the lesions in the three badgers were not old (relatively fresh). Though most wormcysts usually contained two flukes, there were some cysts containing no fluke. iv) In general, the pulmonary tissue surrounding worm-cysts was hyperemic and inflammatory. In the second animal, the exudative change was remarkable with the highly affected bronchial system. v) The visceral pleura showed a irregular surface corresponding to the presence of superficial worm-cyst. This was particularly true in the second animal, and, in addition, the deposition of fibrin-like substance increased the irregular look of the visceral pleura. The accessary lymph nodes were swollen. vi) In the third animal, apart from the worm-cysts, there were observed two types of localized nodular foci, that is, nodular lesions and accumulation foci caused by paragonimal eggs. (3) The histopathological findings on the lungs of the three infected badgers were summarized as follows: The main lesions caused by Paragonimus were the formation of worm-cysts and bronchopnemonia in their surrounding tissues, associated with the minor lesions caused by the eggs. In general, except the worm-cyst formation, the productive change was rather small. Instead, the exudative change was remarkable, particularly with the catarrhal change in the affected bronchial system. In the second animal, much mucus was retained in a large area from the bronchial system to the alveolar area. As the accumulation foci of the eggs in the third badger looked different from the nodular lesions caused by the eggs, some discussion was described about their formation., 近年,宮崎県下で捕獲したアナグマ10頭のうち3頭に宮崎肺吸虫の寄生を認めた.これはわが国のアナグマに宮崎肺吸虫を検出した2番目の事例である.宮崎県下で捕獲したテンからは既に宮崎肺吸虫を証明しており, これらを総合すると同県の野獣にはかなり広く宮崎肺吸虫が浸潤するものと推定される. 宮崎肺吸虫が寄生する3頭のアナグマ肺の病理学的所見を観察した結果,原則的には先人の記載に一致するが,特長的な所見もいくつか認められた.すなわち右肺の病変発現頻度が異常なまでに高く,左肺と比べてアンバランスの顕著であったこと,虫卵性病変の特異様式である虫卵集積巣を認めたこと,などである.また虫嚢周囲部は滲出性変化を主体とし, とくに第2例では気管支系のカタル性変化がすこぶる著しく,その影響で肺胞領域までも粘液流入を認めたのは珍しい所見である.}, pages = {255--264}, title = {宮崎肺吸虫が寄生するアナグマ肺の病理学的所見}, volume = {24}, year = {1977}, yomi = {ハベ, シゲヒサ and ハベ, シゲヒサ} }