@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003275, author = {佐伯, 雄一 and SAEKI, Yuichi and 中村, 扶沙恵 and 三重野, 愛 and 下入佐, 克志 and 赤尾, 勝一郎 and Akao, Shoichiro and Sugimoto, Yasuhiro and 杉本, 安寛 and Nagatomo, Yoshitaka and 長友, 由隆 and NAKAMURA, Fusae and MIENO, Ai and SHIMOIRISA, Katsushi and 赤尾, 勝一郎 and Akao, Shoichiro and Nagatomo, Yoshitaka and 長友, 由隆}, journal = {宮崎大学農学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は芋製焼酎粕の農地還元による窒素負荷の実体の調査と発生する糸状菌の同定を目的として,宮崎大学農学部圃場で調査を行った.試験に用いた焼酎粕の現物当たりの組成はpH3.9,水分94.4%,全炭素2.44%,全窒素0.17%,C/N比,14.33で,液体部分の成分は全炭素0.90%,全窒素0.07%,C/N比12.54であった.施用量は約23kg/m^2(23t/10a),窒素換算39g/m^2(39kg/10a)で試験を行った.この施用量は窒素換算で,宮崎県で行われてきた焼酎粕の農地還元量の約2倍の窒素量に相当した.焼酎粕施用後に発生する糸状菌は麹菌(Aspergillus kawachi)とは明らかに異なっていた.栽培試験に用いたトウモロコシの窒素含有率は施用区で1.5%,無施用区で0.8%,窒素利用率は21.2%であった.土壌pHは試験期間中,施用区,無施用区,に同様な推移を示した.硝酸態窒素とECは同様な推移を示し,施用後14日後にそれぞれ表土で極大値を示し,硝酸態窒素が8.33mg/100g乾土,ECが0.33dS/mであった.その後,徐々に減少していく傾向が認められたが,試験期間の終わりにおいても施用区で無施用区よりも高い値を示し,焼酎粕施用による肥効が長期間にわたることが示唆された.硝酸態窒素の下層への浸透は梅雨の期間にごく低濃度で認められたが,pH,ECの下層土での差異は認められなかった.したがって;焼酎粕の農地還元は,規制量で施用する限り,環境への負荷の小さい土壌改良資材と肥効成分の高い有機質が混合された資材として有効に活用することが可能であり,物質循環の観点からも望ましいものと考えられる., Field plots fertilized with shochu distiller's by-product at rate of 0 and 23 kg/m^2 were grown with corn, and changes in some chemical properties of soil (0-210 cm depth) were monitored to evaluate the impact of the by-product on the environment. Fungi appearing in the soil after the by-product application were also identified to determine their origin. The by-product contained 94.4% moisture, 2.44% total carbon and 0.17 % total nitrogen, with a C/N ratio of 14.33 and pH 3.9. The liquid portion of the by-product contained 0.90 % total carbon and 0.07 % total nitrogen, with a C/N ratio of 12.54. The fertilizer rate for the application plot was thus equivalent to 390 kg N/ha, which was almost twice the rate recommended by Miyazaki prefecture. Changes in soil pH were similar between the nil-application and the application plots. Nitrate-N concentration and electric conductivity (EC) of the top soil in the application plot remained higher than those in the nil-application plot, peaking 14 days after application (8.33 mg/ 100 g dry soil and 0.33 dS/m, respectively) and gradually decreasing thereafter. In contrast, the subsoil of the 2 plots showed similar nitrate-N concentrations and EC values. The, nitrogen content of the corn used for the cultivation test was 1.5 % in the application plot and was 0.8 % in the nilapplication plot. The recovery rate of nitrogen by the corn was 21.2 %. Three types of fungi were observed in the soil after the by-product application, and they were identified to belong to genera different from that of the fungus used for shochu production. The results show that application of shochu distiller's by-product to a crop field at a conventional rate by farms in Miyazaki prefecture (10 kg/m^2) does not accumulate nitrate-N in subsoil.}, pages = {41--48}, title = {芋製焼酎粕施用農耕地における硝酸態窒素濃度の経時的変化 : 第II報. 圃場試験}, volume = {50}, year = {2004}, yomi = {サエキ, ユウイチ and ナカムラ, フサエ and ミエノ, アイ and シモイリサ, カツシ and アカオ, ショウイチロウ and スギモト, ヤスヒロ and ナガトモ, ヨシタカ and アカオ, ショウイチロウ and ナガトモ, ヨシタカ} }