@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003271, author = {斎藤, 勇夫 and Saito, Isao and 黒木, 正雄 and 村上, 隆之 and Murakami, Takayuki and Kuroki, Masao}, issue = {1}, journal = {宮崎大学農学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University}, month = {Sep}, note = {御崎馬は宮崎県の都井岬で,約270年間, 野生状態で放牧されてきた純度の高い日本在来馬であり,1953年以来国の天然記念物に指定されている. この馬は多い時には456頭にも及んだが,現在では50数頭に減少し, このまま放置すれば遠からず絶滅して, 貴重な文化遺産を失なうことになる. そこで筆者らは,その保存対策の一助として,御崎馬の最近における死亡状況を調べ,さらにその遺骨を測定して, この馬の特徴を明らかにしようとした. まず馬の死亡と密接な関係にある都井岬の環境について調査を行なった結果,次の成績を得た. 1) 都井岬は宮崎県の南端から太平洋に向かって突出する長さ約4km の岬で, 面積はおよそ470haあり,北緯31°21′,東経131°20′に位置する. 2) 岬の地形は南北に走る標高200~300m の中央高地とその斜面からなり, 斜面には10数条の深い谷間があって,少量の水が流れ,馬の飲料水となっている. 3) この岬の最近13年間の平均気温は16.7℃,降水量2103.9mm,湿度77.1%で, 対照に選んだ松本,東京,札幌に比べて高温,多雨,多湿である. 4) 都井岬の牧野の構成は針葉樹林50.27%,雑木林32.83%, 純草地6.93%, 荒れ地9.97%で, 純草地は岬の中央高地にほとんど限られている. 馬は年間の大半をこの中央高地で生活し,冬はもっぱら山林中の生草や木の葉などを食べて生きている. 5) 都井岬を訪れる観光客は年間約50万人(1971)に達し, それに伴い道路や建物の増設が進み,馬の生活に悪影響を及ぼす要因が増加しつつある. 6) 馬のための施設として,岬内に給水場が15ヵ所,駒止めの門が6ヵ所あるほか,所々に馬が逃げださないように簡単な柵が設けられている. 7) 都井岬の環境と馬の生活との関係を考察し,その改善策を論議した., Misaki horse, the Japanese native horse, which has been grazed almost in a savage-like environment for about 270 years in Toimisaki of Miyazaki Prefecture, has been appointed to be a national natural monument since 1953. This horse, which has once amounted to 456 in number is now decreased to about 50. If it is neglected as it is, it will be exterminated before long; and we will lose our precious cultural inheritance. Therefore, as an aid for its preservation, we attempted to clarify the characteristics of this horse by investigating into the recent state of Misaki horse's death and further by measuring its osseous remains.First we made an investigation into the environment of Toimisaki which is closely related with horse's death. As a result, we found the following specifics: 1) Toimisaki is a promontory sticking out towards the Pacific Ocean from the southern tip of Miyazaki Prefecture-4 km in length and 470 ha in area-and is situated around in latitude 31°21′North and longitude 131°20′E. 2) The geographical features of this promontory are the central highland, about 200-300 m high, running from North to South and its slopes, on which more than ten waterfalls are streaming and providing drink for horses. 3) The average temperature of this promontory for the past 13 years is 16. 7℃; precipitation is 2,103.9 mm; and humility is 77.1%. Compared to Matsumoto, Tokyo and Sappro, temperature, precipitation, and humility are relatively higher. 4) Pasture land in Toimisaki is composed of 50.27 % of needleleaf trees, 32.83 % of coppice, 6.93 % of the grass and 9.97 % of the wasteland; and the area of the grass is mostly ristricted to the central highland of the promontory. More than half a year, horses live in this central highland; on winter they live on the grass and leaves in the forest. 5) The number of tourists visiting Toimisaki has amounted to 500,000 in 1971; accordingly, increased roads and buildings are exerting bad influences on the life of horses. 6) As facilities for horses, there are 15 water-supply areas and 6 horse-keeping-back gates, besides the fence roughly made to prevent horses from running away. 7) The relationship between these natural and man-made environments and the life of horses was investigated, and its reform measre was discussed.}, pages = {269--282}, title = {御崎馬の死亡調査と遺骨の測定(第1報) : 生息地の環境について}, volume = {19}, year = {1972} }