@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003216, author = {三浦, 知之 and Miura, Tomoyuki and 宇都宮, 美樹 and 北嶋, 雄太 and 富岡, 宏 and Tomioka, Hiroshi and Utsunomiya, Miki and Kitashima, Yuta and Tomioka, Hiroshi}, journal = {宮崎大学農学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Miyazaki}, month = {Mar}, note = {The bopyroid isopods, parasitic on marine crustaceans found in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan were preliminarily reported. As we have no record of these isopods in the area until now, 10 species belonging to two subfamlies within the family Bopyridae were studied and roughly described their morphology, habitats, and hosts, as well as two other species are not yet well studied. Of these, Progebiophilus sinicus Markham, 1982 was recorded at the first time in the Japanese water. The two thalassinoid shrimps, such as Nihonotrypaea japonica and Upogebia yokoyai were also was somewhat different from the original description or those of other authors: Aporobopyrus cf. ryukyuensis parasitic on Petrolisthes boscii and Cancricepon cf. xanthi on Eriphia ferox. They may be undescribed or not well known on their variation, thus we are continuing to study more precisely., 宮崎県および近隣の海域から得られる甲殻類に寄生するエビヤドリムシ上科等脚類の形態・生息状況などの概要を報告した. 本報告ではヤドリムシ科の2亜科10種が記録された. また, これら以外に種が得られている. そのうち, アナジャコノエラヤドリは日本からは最初の記録である. また, ミナミカニダマシヤドリおよびオウギガニヤドリムシは未記載種の可能性も含めて今後とも検討が必要である. 上記の10種のうち, マメコブシヤドリムシ以外は, いずれも宮崎県からは初めての記録となる. マメコブシガニは県内の干潟域に普通に生息しているので, 今後調査を重ねて確認を行う.}, pages = {29--39}, title = {海産甲殻類に寄生する等脚目エビヤドリムシ上科に関する宮崎県での初めての記録(予報)}, volume = {60}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ミウラ, トモユキ and ウツノミヤ, ミキ and キタシマ, ユウタ and トミオカ, ヒロシ} }