@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002663.1, author = {川井田, 英広 and 木村, 結樹 and 森, 浩二 and Kawaida, Hidehiro and Kimura, Yuuki and Mori, Koji}, journal = {宮崎大学工学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki}, month = {Aug}, note = {A supernova remnant (SNR) is the remains of the violent explosion of a star at the end of its life. High velocity shocks trigged by the explosion heat both the interstellar medium (ISM) and synthesized materials in progenitor star, called ejecta, to several million degree. Therefore, X-ray observations of SNRs allow us to investigate the constituents in ISM and ejecta. The SNR 0103-72.6 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), which is known to show clear sign of ejecta, has been observed with Suzaku and Chandra X-ray observatories. Suzaku and Chandra have better energy and spatial resolutions, respectively, compared to each other. Utilizing the respective advantages, we derived the elemental abundances of the ejecta of 0103 precisely. The abundances of light elements like O, Ne, Mg are highly elevated while those of heavy elements like Si and Fe are comparable to the SMC abundances, suggesting that 0103 is a remnant of a core-collapse explosion, not of a thermonuclear one. The relative abundance ratio indicates that the progenitor star had a 15-18 solar mass.}, pages = {43--50}, title = {X線天文衛星SuzakuおよびChandraを用いた小マゼラン星雲中の超新星残骸0103-72.6の観測的研究}, volume = {37}, year = {2008}, yomi = {カワイダ, ヒデヒロ and キムラ, ユウキ and モリ, コウジ} }