@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002630, author = {野田, 和宏 and 山内, 誠 and Yamauchi, Makoto and Noda, Kazuhiro}, journal = {宮崎大学工学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki}, month = {Jul}, note = {U Sco is a recurrent nova. It is predicted that it will erupt around 2009± 0.1. We started its observation from 2009 January 2 to study the optical behavior during its eruption using the 30cm telescope(RIMOTS) at Miyazaki University. The eruption of U Sco was noticed by Harris.B at 11:23:40 UT on 2010 January 29. The brightness at that time was 7.88±0.01mag. Unfortunately, at the time of eruption we could not observe it due to the weather condition. After that, we obtained the data by RIMOTS at six days. From its peak absolute magnitude, we conclude this eruption is not due to type Ia superonova but due to nova. It is derived comparing the observed optical light curve with the one deduced from optically thick wind theory, that the mass of the white dwarf.}, pages = {15--18}, title = {回帰新星 U Sco における可視光光度変化の観測}, volume = {40}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ノダ, カズヒロ and ヤマウチ, マコト} }