@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002591, author = {山森, 一人 and Yamamori, Kunihito and 春日亀, 裕也 and 吉原, 郁夫 and Yosihara, Ikuo and Kasugame, Yuya}, journal = {宮崎大学工学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki}, month = {Jul}, note = {Recent years, keeping our health through daily meals is attracted because some foods have physiological activity to affect our biological activities. However, it is very difficult to evaluate physiological activities, and it is impossible to evaluate them for all kinds of foods. Therefore some researchers have been proposed methods to estimate physiological activities from protein expression levels. Physiological activities and protein expression levels are measured on living cells. These values include relatively large noise, and it leads low estimation accuracy. In this report, we propose to use only dependable samples based on statistical analysis to make an estimation model. Experimental results said our approach improved estimation accuracy.}, pages = {245--250}, title = {高信頼化モデル構築用サンプルを用いたGMDHによる生理活性値推定}, volume = {40}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ヤマモリ, クニヒト and カスガメ, ユウヤ and ヨシハラ, イクオ} }