@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002268, author = {流田, 勝夫 and 内田, 善雄 and 金子, 弘二 and 村岡, 嗣文 and Muraoka, Tsugufumi and Nagareda, Katuo and Yoshio, Utida and Kaneko, Koji and 村岡, 嗣文 and Muraoka, Tsugufumi}, journal = {宮崎大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学, Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Miyazaki University. Natural science}, month = {Sep}, note = {立体視することで,より判明できる事象・より理解を促す事象が地学領域では多くある。そのような対象物を多人数で一度に立体視できれば,その場でその事象に関して討論できるので,授業に採り入れることによって教育効果の向上が望めよう。 このような目的で,幾つかの事例を教育現場に普及しつつあるパーソナル・コンピュータで描いた図やあるいは自然現象を撮影し,その投影像を立体視化することを試みた。 図形を措くコンピュータ・プログラムは,地学領域以外でも使用できるので教育現場で活用して頂きたい。, There are many events and phenomena which become clearer or are easy to understand in earth science education when we adopt to take a view of them stereoscopically. The authors think that scores of achievement tests improve as many students are able to discuss and understand about the structure and the origin of such events and phenomena, if they can look them stereoscopically at the same time during a lesson. For such a purpose, we attempt to a take view stereographically of image of natural phenomena that are taked a photograph and of image of artificial events that are drawed by the use of personal computers which are spreading rapidly into the junior or the senior high school. As the computer programs, which the authors developed lately, are available tools to make many teaching matereals graphically, please put to practical use at schooling in another educations of science besides earth science.}, pages = {63--78}, title = {立体視化による地学教材の開発}, volume = {62}, year = {1987}, yomi = {ナガレダ, カツオ and ウチダ, ヨシオ and カネコ, コウジ and ムラオカ, ツグフミ and ムラオカ, ツグフミ} }