@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000285, author = {吉松, 爽杜 and Yoshimatsu, Akito and Bonkobara, Yasuhiro and 盆子原, 康博 and 上岡, 野歩 and Ueoka, Nobo and 濵畑, 貴之 and Hamahata, Takayuki and Sakai, Kentaro and 境, 健太郎 and 中野, 敦 and Nakano, Atsushi and 寺薗, 信一 and Terazono, Shinichi}, journal = {宮崎大学工学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki}, month = {Oct}, note = {The aim of this study is to develop a small, inexpensive borehole seismometer that can accurately measure the shot-period velocity signal of three directions. The prototype developed in prior research is composed of a biaxial horizontal electromagnetic sensor in conical pendulum form and a vertical electromagnetic sensor installed on the pendulum axis. The performance of the prototype has been verified experimentally, however, the accuracy of the measurement became degraded due to the elastic vibration and residual vibration of the pendulum axis. As a countermeasure for this problem, the prototype has been improved such as increasing the rigidity of the pendulum axis and adding a magnetic attenuation. In the paper, the performance of the improved prototype was evaluated based on the verification experiment results.}, pages = {65--69}, title = {Development of Borehole Seismometer Using Conical Pendulum to Three-Component Velocity Measurement}, volume = {52}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ヨシマツ, アキト and ボンコバラ, ヤスヒロ and ウエオカ, ノボ and ハマハタ, タカユキ and サカイ, ケンタロウ and ナカノ, アツシ and テラゾノ, シンイチ} }