@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001810.1, author = {玉城, 俊介 and 松永, 須美子 and 松永, 智 and Tamaki, Shunsuke and Matsunaga, Sumiko and Matsunaga, Satoshi}, journal = {宮崎大学教育文化学部紀要. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術, Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Culture, University of Miyazaki. Art, Health and Physical education, Home economics, and Technics}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study examined the effects of low-intensity plyometric exercise on the recovery of jump performance after fatiguing exercise. For this purpose, 10 healthy male between 18 and 23 yrs of age participated in this study. Fatigue was induced by performing an exhausting standing calf raise by a load of 20% of the weight (avg. 468.6±176.9 times). After fatiguing exercise, subjects performed low-intensity plyometric rebound jump using only plantar flexion for 30 seconds as quickly as possible. To examine jump performance, jumping test was performed at pre-fatiguing exercise and immediately after and 1, 2, 3, 24 and 48 hrs after plyometric exercise. Vertical jumps were performed at 135°of knee joint angle on a force platform by full strength. Maximum ground reaction force, reaction time to maximum force and flight time were measured from vertical force signal. Although there were no alteration in maximum ground reaction force and flight time, a significant shortening was observed in reaction time to maximum force performed by 135°of knee joint angle immediately after plyometric exercise. These results suggest that a probable candidate of effective recovery modalities is low-intensity plyometric exercise after exercise-induced fatigue.}, pages = {13--21}, title = {低強度プライオメトリクスが運動性疲労後のジャンプパフォーマンスの回復に及ぼす影響}, volume = {28}, year = {2013}, yomi = {タマキ, シュンスケ and マツナガ, スミコ and マツナガ, サトシ} }