@article{oai:miyazaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001648.1, author = {岩田, 拓夫 and Iwata, Takuo}, journal = {宮崎大学教育文化学部紀要. 社会科学, Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Culture, Miyazaki University. Social sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article aims to understand and analyze the referendum in Africa. Since the independence, African countries have held referendum during political regime transition. It is distinctive that African countries have held referendum to receive people's confirmation on the regime change rather than to inquire a particular social issue. Before the starting of democratization, African people had few choices of declaring "NO" against the new regime when an old regime had already been excluded by military force. This article studies the cases of referendum in Benin, which has been evaluated as "Model country of democracy" in Africa since 1990s. Firstly, the article categorizes referendum and shows its character in Africa. Then it considers three political situations in Africa which referendum was held for the independence, for the transfer of power from military to civilian regime, and for the democratic transition. Finally, it focuses on correlation between referendum and democratization.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {アフリカにおける政治体制と国民投票}, volume = {22-24}, year = {2011}, yomi = {イワタ, タクオ} }